
How to uninstall microsoft edge old version
How to uninstall microsoft edge old version

how to uninstall microsoft edge old version

If you are forced to uninstall Edge, Command Prompt will be useful. If you downloaded Microsoft Edge from a Windows update, you will no longer be able to remove it. To uninstall Edge, simply launch the Command Prompt and select Uninstall Edge from the Settings menu. It is primarily up to you how you want to uninstall Microsoft Edge from Windows 10. Microsoft integrated the chromium-based Edge browser into the core of Windows in a recent update. Run the installer and follow the instructions on the screen. In the list of installed programs, select Microsoft Edge and click Uninstall.

how to uninstall microsoft edge old version

Type “appwiz.cpl” in the Start search box and press Enter. Uninstalling Microsoft Edge will not delete your favorites or reading list.

how to uninstall microsoft edge old version

If you need to uninstall or reinstall Microsoft Edge, follow these instructions.

How to uninstall microsoft edge old version